Monday, December 2, 2013

Cradle snatchers (Monday, November 25, 2013) · Scourge of child rape · Why it’s on the increase

Recently, cases of adults defiling minors have been on the increase. Female children between the ages of one and 10 years have suddenly become endangered species. They keep falling victims of these depraved rapists. To make matters worse, men in their 40’s and 50’s are actively involved in this evil act.
In the last five months, cases of child rape have become rampant. Even the National Assembly had taken the matter more seriously, although, the lawmakers are trying to take a holistic look at rape generally and find a lasting solution to it. Instances of few cases within the last five months will suffice.
On Tuesday, July 16, a two-year-old baby, Favour Okoye, a pupil of the Salvation Nursery/Primary School, Shibiri, Ajamgbadi in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State was reportedly raped by an unknown adult in her school. According to the baby’s mother, Mrs Okoye, “On Tuesday July 16, when their school driver dropped her around 4pm, I discovered she was feeling dizzy and sleepy; a condition, which was unusual because each time she came back from school, she would always play before she slept but on this occasion, she came home feeling sleepy. She was saying, ‘mummy see’ but I couldn’t make any meaning out of it. I simply dismissed her as a talkative; the driver even smiled. As I put her on my shoulder, she slept off. When I was laying her to sleep, she opened her legs and I saw blood in her private part and I rushed out but it was too late as the driver had zoomed off.”
On September 15, Daily Sun reported a case of a four-year-old Sadiya, who was raped by one Dauda Musa, a food stuff seller in Shekel area of Bauchi State. Crying wolf over the evil act, Sadiya’s father, Bala Adamu, said: “I was shocked when I learnt that Dauda who I know very well raped my daughter. He used to come and play with my children at my house but I didn’t know he is a devil.” Dauda was said to have committed the act at about 2pm on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at the back of a warehouse. According to the report, a neighbour, Samsudeen Usman, who was at Adamu’s house few minutes after the minor was defiled, said: “I came to Adamu’s house later that afternoon and met Sadiya with her playmates. But, she was silent and looked withdrawn. Then, I asked what the problem was and suddenly the children screamed as they saw blood.”
On Friday, September 27, it was reported that a 29-year-old pastor of a white garment church in Sagamu area of Ogun State, simply identified as Eriwale, was arrested for allegedly raping a nine-year-old girl. Eriwale was alleged to have raped the innocent girl inside his room at N08, Aiyepe Road, Sagamu, in the same compound where the victim’s father lives.
On August 2, a barber simply identified as Olateju, residing at Yemoja area of Ido-Osun in Egbedore Local Government Area of Osun State allegedly attempted to rape a four-year-old girl. It was alleged that Olateju would have defiled the girl inside his barbing salon but for the prompt intervention of one Gbolahan, who caught him pants down and reported the matter to the police. Olateju was said to have undressed the little girl and attempted to forcefully insert his manhood before Gbolahan emerged. He was also said to have escaped from the scene as neighbours attempted to arrest him.
On Monday August 19, a 10-year-old girl, Felicia from Uburu in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State was allegedly raped by one Okechukwu. The victim was raped when she was returning from a Christian wake at Urobo Umunaga village in Uburu Community. The suspect was said to have pretended to be a Good Samaritan and led her victim to his house where he committed the crime.
On Sunday, August 6, a 57-year-old stepfather, simply identified as Mr David, was arrested at Igede-Ekiti in Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government Area of Ekiti State for allegedly defiling his five-year-old step daughter. The State Police Public Relations Officer disclosed that the suspect was arrested on August 6. The victim, her mother and the suspect were living together at Odori Street, Igede-Ekiti when the incident happened. Medical report confirmed that the little girl had lost her virginity to the sexual assault on her.
The suspect denied committing the illicit act but admitted he inserted his finger into the victim’s virgina in an attempt to remove a dirt when the mother was away to fetch water. 
In October, a nine-year-old girl reportedly died from injuries sustained during alleged consistent rape by a 14-year-old boy. According to the report, investigation revealed that the deceased was raped over five times by a 14-year-old student, in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State.
The deceased father, Simeon Jigo, was said to have alleged that the suspect was the son of the proprietor of the school his daughter attended. He said his daughter opened up about the rape when she started having medical problems. The 77-year-old man said his daughter died on October 3, 2013. He said, “Up until my daughter’s death, she was a pupil of that School and she was in primary three. One day, she came home and started complaining of pains around her vagina, stomach area. We rushed her to Ikorodu General Hospital.  A doctor checked her and after conducting some tests on her, told us she had sustained medical complications due to forced sexual intercourse. Alarmed by the revelation, I had a private discussion with my daughter, during which she told me it was her school proprietor’s son, who had been raping her. The boy had threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone about it.”
On September 1, a 23-year-old generating set repairer, one Vincent, allegedly bit off the right nipple of a nine-year-old girl in an attempt to rape her. He was alleged to have invited the minor to his shop on her way to plait her hair and covered her mouth before committing the crime. The girl’s mother was said to have discovered the injuries on her baby’s breast when she wanted to bathe her. The girl was said to have opened up and narrated her ordeal to her mother when she noticed the wound around her breast.
A cross-section of Nigerians who spoke on the matter expressed concern over the growing rate of child rape in our society, positing that the girl child had suddenly become endangered specie.
The President and Founder of SelfWorth Organisation for Women Development, Mrs Chinyere Anokwuru described the people involved in the criminal act as having both spiritual and psychological problems and urgently need psychiatric help. “It has been breaking my heart. It is everywhere. I wonder what is going on because I know that kids of that age don’t dress indecently. So, it is a psychological thing; they are paedophiles. They need help; they need to be put in the psychiatric homes. I don’t know why it is becoming a norm now. It is a spiritual thing,” she said.
She also stated that some people are involved in such evil just to become rich. “Some of them are told to sleep with kids of less than three years in order to become rich, and they go about looking for these innocent little babies to sleep with. For some of them, it is psychological problem but whatever the problem is, they need both spiritual and medical help. And such men should be behind bars for the rest of their lives; they are not fit to walk the street,” she posited.
She advised mothers to be more observant with their female kids. “Don’t allow your children to sit on their uncles laps. It is very wrong. Some mothers will sit at home and when the uncles walk into the home, the child starts crying and they don’t see anything wrong in that. It is a signal that something is wrong. That uncle has been abusing the child; he has been fondling her breast and all that, and that’s why she cries whenever the uncle comes around.  These mothers just overlook these things; we need to be very conscious of things around us,” she said.
She also said mothers should be careful with whom they leave their female children. “Mothers should be very careful. You don’t leave your kids with just any uncle in the house. As you are leaving for work, look for a very good day care centre to keep your baby,” she advised.
When reminded that some of the crimes were reported to have occurred in Day Care Centres, she said: “Day Care Centres also need to beef up their security. You need more female care givers at day care centres and few men. I know that security men in day care centres are also involved in this act, but operators of these centres should know who they are employing. They should do a thorough research on whoever they are employing,” she warned.
For the Executive Director, Tehila Women and Empowerment Foundation (TWYEF), Mrs Stephany Nwanma, those who are involved in such evil act are demonic. She also put the blame squarely at the doorstep of mothers, most of whom she blamed for abandoning their parental duties in pursuit of money and career. “It sounds so absurd. It still goes back to poor parenting. When a mother guards a child jealously; always with a child at that age, there is a limitation to such things happening,” she stated.
She also blamed the rising cases of child rape to proliferation of crèches, which most times are managed by people who are not professionally trained to handle such children. “I remember those good old days when our mothers were always with us. It took them like two, three or even four years to wean their babies. In those days, there was nothing like crèche. In those days, parents didn’t leave their kids of that age with people like the house helps, the security men or the drivers,” she said.
She however attributed the scourge to a combination of idleness, psychological and spiritual problems among others.
Also commenting on the scourge, a Clinical Psychologist at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, Dr Leonard Okonkwo revealed that those adults who rape minors are sick. “Any adult who will rise to go after a small child and rape her is sick; it is an abnormal behaviour. So, I will say that such a person is not mentally sound; he has a psychological problem,” he said.
On why the menace is on the increase, he disagreed with the impression, arguing, “It looks like there is an increase but it is just the awareness that has increased. People have been raping children; it has always been there but now, you find out that there is more awareness on it and more people are getting bolder to report it.”
Looking at factors that could lead an adult male to rape a female child, he said: “When somebody is mentally ill, stress of life can worsen his case. Maybe the stress that people go through has actually increased the intensity of already fragile condition of those who are mentally ill. Paedophilia is an abnormal behaviour and an abnormal behaviour is also known as mental illness.”
He also attributed it to what he called fixation and regression. Explaining further, he said: “It could also be as a result of what we call fixation and regression. That is to say that some people are fixated at certain period in their psychosexual development. This simply means that people pass through some normal stages in their psychosexual stages starting from the oral stage, anal stage to the phallic stage. In any of these stages, if an individual has had too much indulgence, he could be fixated at that stage. Then later in life, he may find himself regressing to that stage.”
He gave an instance of fixation and regression, when he said: “An adult who was raped as a child is more likely to be involved in such an act. Some stories have shown that people who have been raped also become rapists, though not all, but just that we have more of such people who have done it than in the normal population. So, maybe that in itself predisposes them to doing the same thing. So, fixation and regression at an earlier stage in life can predispose one to want to have sex with minors.”
He also identified upsurge of pornography as one of the causes. “Another thing is the upsurge of pornography. Today, pornography is within the reach of almost everybody. Before, it was difficult to come by. You had special places where you could get them and such places were not many. Pornography was limited to magazines but now, in addition to magazines, we have videos and other avenues through which pornographic materials are made available. And it is on record that the most visited sites in the Internet are pornographic sites. Everybody has access to it and some of these people who indulge in it have so made it look like it is normal. Offenders have become brainwashed to believe that there is nothing wrong with that because when they see it in pornography, it appears as if the young girl that is being slept with is enjoying it. They become deluded to think that any child you want to do it with will equally enjoy it; that has also contributed to the problem,” he explained.
He also revealed that genetic inheritance also contributes to some extent. He said: “Another issue that could be responsible for this scourge is the genetic factor. You know that there are some genetic compositions that predispose people to be defiant and anti-social to the constituted authority. People who tend to have such genetic inheritance might also be predisposed to rape.”
Dr Okonkwo recommends that apart from the conventional punishment as stipulated by law, offenders should undergo medical treatment. “In addition to legal punishment, they should undergo some medical examinations and treatment because they are sick,” he submitted.

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