Friday, August 7, 2015

New market place of sex in Lagos....· How they operate

Suddenly, the entire stretch of Old Ojo Road, from Maza-Maza to Alakija in Ori-Ade Local Council Development Authority of Lagos State has become a market place of sex. The Red Light Streets of Allen Avenue in Ikeja and Victoria Island among others in Lagos will be livid with envy when they realise what currently happens on Old Ojo Road.
A careful obervation of the activities on the road at night has revealed that it parades women of different classes, colours, shapes and sizes, who hawk sex like groundnut within the vicinity. Daily Sun investigation revealed that there are three categories of places where the sex workers could be found along the road. Some of them are found in restaurant and beer parlours; some stay in very low-profile brothels while others find their way in moderate hotels that dot both sides of the road....

Deadly sex: Why people die having sex.....• The myth, the truth

We were lovers. She came to my house on January 2 at 8:30pm. I have known her for about two years. We attended a carnival in the area that evening. When we came back, we had just one round of sex, after which we both slept without any problem. The following morning, I tried waking her up but there was no response. I observed that her body was stiff and I raised the alarm.” That was how the 60-year-old Akodogbo Doherty explained the sudden death of her lover after sex encounter to the police in Lagos......

Friday, July 17, 2015

From death to life · 28-year-old houseboy walks home free after 10 years on death row

When the 28-year-old Ghanaian, Mohammed Ibrahim, set out for Nigeria in July 2003, he never knew he was going to walk through the valley of death. He did not only become a tenant of the Nigerian prisons for 10 years; he was also on death roll all through the period. But, on June 9, 2015, 10 years after he began his sojourn in the Nigerian Prison as a condemned prisoner; he triumphantly walked out of the Kirikiri Maximum Security Prisons, Lagos, as a free man.
Following an armed robbery incident at his employer’s residence on March 6, 2005, he was arrested for complicity in the crime. He later appeared before a High Court in Ibadan, Oyo State to answer to the charges of conspiracy and armed robbery.  
A native of Volta region in Ghana, Mohammed, who came to Nigeria in July 2003, when he was just 18 never intended to stay. He was in Nigeria to collect his school fees from his mother who was then living in Ibadan, having lost his father when he was three.
But, his mother’s inability to promptly provide his school fees so that he could back to Ghana to continue his education was the genesis of what could have sadly ended his life. His mother suggested that he should work as a house boy for six months and earn some money to be able to go back to school.
Left with no alternative, Mohammed accepted the offer. He was eventually employed as a houseboy by one Mrs Omolara Adebimpe.  He said his mother’s friend contacted a woman, who linked him with Mrs Adebimpe as a houseboy.
He started work as a houseboy for Mrs Adebimpe in November 2004 with a monthly salary of N3500. His job description included such domestic works as washing of cars, clothes as well as gate-keeping among other menial duties that Madam Adebimpe would want him to do. They also agreed that he would only serve her for six months at the end of which he would receive the salary for six months. Excitedly, Mohammed threw himself into the work.
Genesis of his ordeals
Everything seemed to be working according to plan until March 6, 2005, when men of the underworld attacked Mrs Adebimpe’s compound. From that night, everything changed.
Narrating his ordeal, Mohammed said: “On March 6, 2005, barely four months after I started working with her, a gang of armed robbers attacked our residence. I was inside the boy’s quarters where I slept, when the woman’s dogs started barking around 1:00am. Though, I was not a security man but since there was no security man employed in the house, I thought it wise to look outside and know why the dogs were barking. But, while I was outside looking around to see what the problem was, a man suddenly appeared from my back, called my attention and when I looked back, he pointed a gun at my forehead and ordered me to lock the dogs. Under gun point, I approached the dogs and because I was used to them, I quietly and easily locked them up.
“The robbers had scaled the fence to come into the compound. With the dogs locked up, they entered into the main building where they robbed my madam. For close to one hour that the robbery operation lasted, I was taken hostage by one of the gang members, after they had thoroughly beaten me up because I could not provide any money for them. As the operation was still going on, I didn’t know how the local vigilantes in the area got wind of what was happening. They started blowing their whistle to alert their members of what was happening and that forced the robbers to flee the scene. But, before they left, they took me along with them. They said they were going to sell me to realize the money their boss asked them to get from the operation.
“As we were going, I continued to shout and beg them to have mercy on me. I guess, they were disturbed by the noise coming from me and they felt it could betray them, so they pushed me out of the vehicle by the road side and zoomed off.
“I trekked to my mother’s house to report what happened. She then took me back to Mrs Adebimpe’s house but instead of thanking God that I came back alive, she reported to the police and accused me of conniving with the robbers to attack her residence. I was arrested alongside my mother but when we got to the Oyo State Police Criminal Investigation Department, (CID) at Iyagankun, Ibadan, my mother was released while I was detained.”

New face of slavery · How Togolese, Beninnoise kids are used for child labour in Nigeria

When a Briton, William Wilberforce was championing the campaign against slave trade, he did that because of his regard for the sanctity of human life. Slavery reduced humanity to nothingness. Human lives were valueless. The society was a quintessence of Thomas Hobbs’s picture of life in a lawless society– short, nasty and brutish. So, when in 1807, an Act for the abolition of slave trade came into being, it was a big relief to most African countries especially those that were under the British colony.
But today, slavery has assumed another dimension. It may not be an outright sale of a human being for cheap labour but it has the entire semblance.
Investigation by our correspondent reveals a growing cartel and network of men and women across the West African coast, which employs the services of under-aged children and ferry them across to Nigeria for various cheap labour. Most of them work as nannies, housemaids, washer men/women, hawkers, security guards as well as labourers in building sites across Lagos state.
The bulk of these innocent children are from Togo, Benin Republic, Sierra-Leone and sometimes, Ghana. Most of the times, they are willingly contracted to the merchants or slave masters by their parents, who in turn receive peanuts from the masters at the end of every month.
A large number of these under-aged children are found mostly in building sites across the state. A casual visit by our correspondent to emerging towns in the places like Satellite Town, Lekki and Ajah axis among other fast growing urban and sub-urban centres in Lagos, was enough eye opener. They mix cement and gravel and serve the mason using head pans. They also carry blocks, which they serve the bricklayers on their heads. They don’t have any permanent address. Wherever they are building automatically becomes their new abode. They look haggard, unkempt, malnourished and lethargic whenever one comes across them. Their condition is pitiable but they are helpless. They have been given away by their parents or wards in exchange for a peanut.
When our correspondent accosted one of the kid labourers during their break time, pretending as if he wanted a job, the 14-year-old boy, who identified himself as Taye, a Beninoise, advised him to check back later as their master was not at the site.
But, when he was teased and engaged in further discussion, he made some startling revelations. He said each of them receives N300 every day as feeding allowance and N3000 every month as wage. “Our Oga dey give us N300 chop money every day. When month end, E go give us N3000,” he managed to mutter in Pidgin English. Among the five of them that our correspondent gathered to chat with, he was the only person who could understand Pidgin English; others only understood their local dialect, with a fair knowledge of Yoruba language.
The house they were constructing was a three storey building located on Tokumo Street, Off Community Road Satellite Town. Although Taye and her colleagues said they received N300 each daily for feeding, investigation revealed that most of the time, they feed on bread and garri. Sometimes, they cook at the site and eat together. They bathe, sleep, wake and work at the site. Before they finish one job, their boss would have secured another building contract where they would relocate to as their new abode, while construction commences.
Investigation revealed that their influx into the construction sector has made their Nigerian counterparts to face stiff competition because they charge low, thereby cornering most of the jobs that could ordinarily have gone to Nigerians. This trend, according to a Nigerian contractor, who preferred not to be named, has been thriving because their labourers neither pay for house rent; electricity bill nor for transport fare.

World of strange fellows who make love to animals · Experts analyse psychological, health implications By SUNDAY ANI (

 “Why didn’t he come to me; I would have given it to him for free.” A prostitute was reported to have made the comment when the story of a man who raped a hen in South Africa went viral. She so much empathized with the man that she wished he had come to her to quench his burning sexual passion instead of going bestial to rape a mere fowl.
That was in South Africa. Today, it is happening everywhere on earth including our own dear Nigeria. The South African episode surprisingly played out in Nigeria when on August 19, 2014, a 19-year-old apprentice welder was allegedly caught pants down making love to a hen. The abomination, which report said occurred at 11:20 pm at a continental area of Akure metropolis in Ondo State, allegedly led to the death of the fowl.
The suspect, whose names were not mentioned, confessed that he had been involved in a similar act with a goat in his home town, Afo in Ose council area of the state; a development that led to his ex-communication from the town.
Following his ex-communication by his people, he left his home town for Akure where he was living with his brother before the fowl incident.
The owner of the fowl, Mrs Stella Akintola, who resides in the same building where the act was committed, confirmed that the man actually made love to her hen. She said she had gone to bed early but was woken up by the noise coming from the chickens at the back of her room; a sign that something was wrong with the birds. She stated that the noise from the chicken pen suddenly stopped but that did not stop her from checking on the birds. “I went to where the chickens were but nothing was found. It was when I visited the toilet that I found one of the fowls dead with its feathers littered on the floor,” she said.
Still confused as to what had happened to the birds, she said she raised alarm, which forced the man to confess that the bird died while he was making love to it. “He confessed and begged me for forgiveness, promising to pay any amount I wanted for the dead fowl.”
Apart from the man’s secret confession to Mrs Akintola, it was reported that evidence that he actually had sex with the fowl was obvious when the owner and others around examined the fowl.
But, the suspect told newsmen that a spirit directed him to do what he did. “I was already sleeping when a spirit just came upon me and directed me to go to the back of the building. I did not know what I was doing again until when I discovered that I had slept with the hen.”
The State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Wole Ogodo was reported to have said when contacted that the matter was not reported to them and that they could only investigate matters that were brought to them by members of the public. He was also quoted to have described the incident as strange if it was true.
But, what was God’s original plan for man with regard to sexual fulfillment? God, after creating Adam (man), decided to give him Eve (woman), as a companion and charged them to procreate and fill the earth. Some people argue that the charge was an automatic ticket for them to have unhindered sex since that remains the only means through which procreation can be achieved. They also argue that companionship as God meant it included sexual satisfaction. In other words, Adam and Eve, representing man and woman, were brought together for the purposes of bearing children and satisfying their emotional need of sex.
God also created animals as well as other creatures – male and female, so that they could also reproduce and continue to exist alongside man on earth. He never envisaged that man would abandon the woman He gave him to seek for sexual pleasure from animals. Regrettably, that is the reality of how far man has gone in the quest to satisfy his sexual passion.
A flip through the daily newspapers is all what one needs to confirm the ugly trend. Stories of men who sleep with animals such as dog, goat, donkey and Chimpanzee among others make headlines oftentimes. Such stories have relegated to the background, such other strange stories of man sleeping with fellow man (homosexualism), woman making love to fellow woman (lesbianism) or masturbation (man or woman tickling self to reach orgasm).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Landlady, tenant at war · Man resists quit notice, claiming court’s order · Landlady confiscates his property on court’s order

Until November 8, 2013, 38-year-old Ezeobi Okeke lived happily as a tenant with his family at Close 39, House 2, Satellite town, Lagos.  A native of Osumenyi in Nnewi Local Government Area of Anambra State, Ezeobi, who is a freight forwarder, now squats with friends after he was thrown out of his apartment by his landlady. He informed our reporter that his landlady broke into his apartment in his absence, packed his property into a waiting truck and zoomed off to an open field in Festac town where she dumped them. But, before the ejection, he alleged that his landlady had visited the apartment on November 5 and changed all the padlocks, while he was away. The woman, according to him, said she had orders from the court to eject him. She was also said to have broken into his apartment in the presence of people who claimed to be court sheriffs.
Ezeobi, who claimed to have occupied the two-bedroom bungalow since 2003 as a tenant said what led to his predicament started in 2011, when he wanted to renew his rent and his landlady suddenly refused to collect it from him. He alleged that his efforts to know where he went wrong proved abortive as his landlady sued him to court. But, after the legal tussle that followed, the court, according to him, ruled that he should pay his landlady the arrears and continue occupying the apartment as a tenant.
With the court judgment in favour of Ezeobi, he thought the storm was over, but he was wrong. Her landlady only waited for the most auspicious time to strike. And that opportunity came on November 8, 2013, two years after the court judgement. Ezeobi was taken unawares, as he claimed to have travelled to the east with his family when the woman struck.
Now, the young man is crying blue murder, calling on the human rights community as well as the federal government of Nigeria and all well meaning Nigerians to rescue him from the fangs of the woman who allegedly defied court orders to eject him in his absence and confiscate his entire property.

Monday, January 6, 2014

MURDERED BY VIGILANTE BOYS · Sad end of a young man killed by his kinsmen

The family of Sylvanus Agbo from Umunkaka Amukwa Ihe in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State is currently grieving over the gruesome murder of their 29-year-old son, Ndubuisi. Mr Agbo, who is hypertensive, regretted that his son’s brutal murder had aggravated his poor health condition, even as he pointedly accused the village vigilance group of complicity in the crime.
Events that led to Ndubuisi’s gruesome murder on September 18, 2013, according to his father, started on September 1, around 8pm along Orba Road, a stone’s throw from their compound. The young man was said have run into the vigilante boys on his way home after he closed for the day’s business at his Ikpa market. He was said to have stopped over at a near-by beer palour to drink a bottle of beer after which he continued his homeward journey on his motorcycle. He was stopped by three members of a vigilance group and promptly arrested for moving at late hour. The bar owner where Ndubuisi branched on his way, according to the distraught father, had gone to confront members of the vigilance group and reminded them that it was still past 8pm and that other people were still moving around. It was gathered that they told him that Ndubuisi was their brother and that he should leave them as they knew how best to handle the matter.
When the bar owner left, Daily Sun gathered, the vigilante boys started beating Ndubuisi, who in order to save his life, escaped. Unfortunately, he ran into the house of one man simply identified as Chikwado, who rather than gave him cover, gave him away.