Friday, August 7, 2015

New market place of sex in Lagos....· How they operate

Suddenly, the entire stretch of Old Ojo Road, from Maza-Maza to Alakija in Ori-Ade Local Council Development Authority of Lagos State has become a market place of sex. The Red Light Streets of Allen Avenue in Ikeja and Victoria Island among others in Lagos will be livid with envy when they realise what currently happens on Old Ojo Road.
A careful obervation of the activities on the road at night has revealed that it parades women of different classes, colours, shapes and sizes, who hawk sex like groundnut within the vicinity. Daily Sun investigation revealed that there are three categories of places where the sex workers could be found along the road. Some of them are found in restaurant and beer parlours; some stay in very low-profile brothels while others find their way in moderate hotels that dot both sides of the road....

Checks revealed that in all of the moderate hotels on the road, one new entrant seems to have dominated the market. Known as Premier Suite, there is no tell-tale sign but people who have the history of the place confirmed its flagship status in the trade.
However, the place they stay determines their class. It also determines their charges but they all have similar seductive moves. Those who stay in the restaurants and beer parlours come in different shapes, sizes and ages just as those in the low-profile brothels. The two categories charge less because they are mostly ladies with saggy, flabby breasts. They are also mostly uneducated folks and they pay less on accommodation. Some of them are even divorcees and women who have had two or three children out of wedlock. Most ladies in this category are driven into the trade by the harsh economic condition. They see what they do as the only way out of poverty.
It was also observed that those who stay in moderate hotels seem to be younger, educated and have more alluring physiological build-ups. They also come in different shapes and sizes. They are just like a selected group. There are extremely fat ones among them just as there are moderately fat ones, with extra-large breasts as well as tiny breasts. They have similar basin-shaped buttock, which was discovered to be their unique selling points. When they put on the skimpy, half naked pants, the seductive power in the buttocks comes alive, thereby driving their clients crazy and squeezing them dry. Their charges are very high as well.
On both sides of the road are a handful of restaurants and beer drinking joints. During the day, it would appear that customers only patronise them for food and drinks, but at night, the real picture of their activities comes to the fore.

Apart from selling food and beer, they also serve as reservoir for women of easy virtue. The patrons of these restaurants and beer parlours, who are mostly women, have been found to be adept in their game. Most of them, it was gathered, have been engaged in sex trade when they were much younger. So, it becomes very easy for them to recruit like minds, mostly young girls, who pretend to be workers at the joints but who are willing tools to satisfy the sexual orgies of their regular customers anytime.
Some of the joints organise live musical bands at night, which attracts lots of customers. As the band entertains drinking menfolk, the ladies, who dress amorously in hot mini skirt and pants, are busy swinging their waists, winking their eyes, exposing their breasts and making several other dangerous and magnetic sexual gestures to the male customers. Those who are bold and daring among the lots would not wait to be invited to the table or to a corner; they would rather take the bull by the horn at once.
Before you blink your eyes, a young lady with ‘full option’ is already standing by your side and nudging you with her spherical, rotund breasts to get your attention. Although, some of them have saggy, flabby breasts, they complement that loss with their irresistible Ghana-made waistline. They would also immediately and confidently assure you that what they lack in breast, they would make up in their sexual skills and stamina. They would assure you that they are old horse in the game and that you would surely get value for your money.
Checks revealed that ladies in this category are quartered in one-room rented apartment by these patrons, who are seen as messiah. The girls, it was gathered, are made to pay a token as well as serve in the restaurants in return for the accommodation. They are free to go with any man of their choice at the close of work but must ensure they come back early enough the next day to continue with their work.
When our correspondent visited one of the beer parlours around Dumorose bus-stop, the raunchy and daring attitude of the girls played out. Gladys was young, luscious and attractive. She has the right curves down her waist with mango-shaped, succulent breast but very raw in speech. Her seductive moves are buried in her speech. She boasts of her sexual exploits and dares anyone who doubts her claims to try. She refers to marathon sex as ‘Matey.’ Asked how much it would cost to have her for a night, she said it was not all about money, but about what she could offer in bed. She however submitted that N3000 was okay for her but with a strong promise to prove her mettle before any man who could pay her bill for the night.
Away from beer parlours to the low-profile brothels, sex for this category of prostitutes is a way of life. They are so consumed in the act that the only language they understand perfectly is sex. They live in the brothel where they ply their trade. This is where you begin to hear such slang as ‘short time or TDB (Till Day Break).’
As soon as you step into the arena, the atmosphere changes; everything turns amorous, ranging from the girls and their attires to the music. The girls would instantly swarm towards you, with each trying to outwit the other in the art of seduction. They would promise to take you to heaven if only you could follow them to their room. Those who still have their breasts standing would even throw it out for you to sample. They would even urge you to touch and confirm that the breasts are still rotund, pulpy and firm. Others, whose breasts no longer stand firm but who feel that the massive size of their breasts could be a trigger, would also display half of it for potential customers to have a glimpse. They believe that once you have a glimpse of it, you would want to go a whole hug to have a taste of the pudding. However, others who do not have anything to show as far as breasts are concerned would revert to their bottom curves and laps. As they display their half nudity, they also engage their tongues and eyes to do the magic.
While all the antics are going on, they would keep on insisting that you should enter into their rooms to have a taste of their pudding. Of course, those who are for the game would quickly make their choice and move straight into the business.
Investigation revealed that if you fall to their decoy of going into the room without first negotiating the price, you could end up paying double the price because she would threaten to accuse you of having stolen her money if you fail to agree to her own terms. In other words, they want to lure you into their room first without negotiating the price so that they could take full charge of the deal and dictate the tune. It was also discovered that they employ the tactics as a way of ensuring that such customer does not slip of their hand.
“Do you know why they always insist that you go in with them first even before negotiating the price? They do that because once you enter the room with them, they would be all over you and even if you never wanted to have sex, you would be forced to do it because after all, it is blood that flows in your system,” a fellow volunteered.
When our reporter stepped into Ojare Garden in Agboju, they immediately closed in on him but after all their antics and they were not getting the green light, they retreated to scout for other customers, who kept coming in droves. Approaching Mercy, she quickly wanted the negotiation to take place in her room but our reporter declined and insisted that they conclude on the price before proceeding to her room.
She said the minimum she could collect for short time was N1000. When our reporter asked her to clarify what she meant by short time, she said: “Ah, you no know wetin be short time and you wan fuck ashawo? Anyway, by short time, it means we go just go inside and fuck once and you pay me my money.” Still confused, our reporter again asked: “Does it mean that only one round of sex would cost N1000?” She again responded sarcastically, “which kind man be this sef? How many rounds do you want? Ok, no problem, if you wan five rounds or even more, I go give you but you go pay. But, I go reduce money for you. You no go pay N1000 for each round. I go give you discount of N500; na e be say you go pay N500 for each round.”  
At this point, our correspondent wanted to know how much overnight would cost. She told him that overnight goes for N7000 but she could take N5000 on the condition that she would be allowed to ply her trade until 11:30pm.
Investigation also revealed that they don’t go out at night with men. They prefer to do their business within the brothel since they have rooms there. It was also discovered that they prefer short time to TDB because they make more money in short time.
Determined to know more about TDB and short time, our reporter invited Mercy, who claimed to be a student to drink with him at a corner within the premises. Sipping down a big bottle of stout, Mercy opened up, saying, “We prefer short time because we make more money. Secondly, it is less stressful because the man will just fuck and go. There is no touching or sucking of breast because you won’t even undress totally. But, if it is TDB, you will have to take off all your clothes and the man would touch you everywhere and even suck your breast. He would also finger you and he could go as many as seven or eight rounds or even more. You know that some men take drugs when they want to take a lady for TDB so that they could get all the value for their money. So, apart from not making much money from the TDB, you could enter into the hands of a wicked man who had taken enough dose of drug.”
But, should they be afraid of sex, after all, it is their daily tonic?  Mercy said: “Fish likes water but not when the water is boiling. Yes, in as much as we do it all the time, it does not mean that we are not human. A man who is on drug is more or less an animal. He could wound you because he is not in control of what he does. It is the drug that controls him. So, we try to avoid TDB as much as possible because that is only when you can get into such mess. But, if it is short time and the person takes sex enhancing drug, he could only last for 20 or 25 minutes maximum; so we could endure that one.”
Since Mercy said romance is not part of the bill in short time and that is what most of them prefer, one begins to wonder how they manage the numerous male customers that visit their ‘honey comb’ without sustaining bruises.
But again, she said: “No, romance is not sex; they are two different things. If you romance, you won’t have sex. If you want to have sex along with romance, that will attract a different charge because agreement is agreement. You said you want sex and not romance, so let’s go into sex straight off. But, if you want both sex and romance, you will have to be billed accordingly. And as for how we manage not to sustain bruises, I want you to know that that is no problem to us. We are here for business. You cannot wait for different men to romance you before your vagina is opened. This place is a business centre; it is sex and go. There is no feeling because if there is, then we can’t fuck different men. You fuck this one; fuck that one; fuck another one and so on and so forth; tell me, how you will get feeling for all of them. So, the secret is that we have a cream, which we normally use to lubricate and expand our body for smooth penetration.”
However, the situation in Premier Suites scattered along the Old Ojo Road presents similar scenario. All of them parade bevy of young, elegant and charming young girls. They come in different shapes and sizes too. Majority of them possess custom-made buttock, which appears in its full glory under hot mini-skirts and pants. One is right to say that in Premier Suites, it is buttocks on parade. They seem to have understood that their seductive power lies in there. A couple of them have well-formed breast but they all seem to flaunt their buttocks as their unique selling points. They don’t lack customers as all manner of men, ranging from boys to men in their 60s mill around the place just to have a taste of the girls.
Even if what has been presented so far still casts doubt as to whether Old Ojo Road should be likened to other red light streets in Lagos, the situation at the Premier Suite located some 100 kilometres away from the Oluti bus-stop towards Alakija is enough to convince any doubting Thomas that indeed a new red light street has emerged in Lagos. The place is simply a market place of sex. At the entrance gate, you find about four muscular, broad-chested macho men, who man the gate as men flood in and out in droves.  Stepping into the compound, one is greeted with a chaotic sea of heads. Men and women of all classes are busy doing one thing or the other. While some men were seated drinking beer, others were standing with their bottles of beer as their eyes meticulously searched through the crowd of ladies to select their choices. Some other men were seen standing aloof, feasting their eyes on tens of ladies of all shapes, colours and sizes, who alluringly parade their nakedness for willing customers to pick. Yet, there are men who were just nodding in sync with the music blasting from the club. While the ladies who have not been picked stood in groups of threes and fours, others stood aloof but at a strategic point, where their instruments of assault could be clearly seen by potential customers. This category of ladies stood along the busy road leading to the club. However, some men were busy fondling and kissing ladies at their drinking tables with reckless abandon, just as some others were seen moving from one lady to the other, probably negotiating for affordable prices. In fact, there was no dull moment as the place was filled with activities. Some people were just there to dance away their sorrows, just as others were there to get satisfaction just by watching the nakedness of the ladies; at least it is free to have a glimpse of their breasts, laps, luscious buttocks and extra-ordinarily curved waist lines.
Inside the compound are situated two buildings – a three-storey building and a two-storey structure. The three-storey building is entirely devoted to the girls for accommodation. The two-storey building has the first and second floors mapped out to quarter the girls while the last floor is used as a club.
Then, attempting to get into the club is just like going to Apapa from Mile 2. The human traffic on the staircase is unparalleled. Women deliberately rub their breasts against the men as they struggle to gain access into the club through the narrow staircase. It was observed that these ‘staircase ladies’ like the biblical Pharisees, neither go into the club nor leave the staircase; they would continue to push their breast against these men until their luck shines. A man who could not withstand the sensation of such breasts push might just be attracted and lured away into the lady’s room, where he would be eventually fleeced of his cash.
Then, inside the hall, you find hundreds of young boys who danced away their sorrows as the music rent the air. The hall was so jam-packed that one hardly moved an inch without being shoved, sometimes violently. Meanwhile, the entire hall was fouled as people drank and smoked all kinds of stuffs. Inside the club, the girls were in their elements as they also danced, drank and smoked along with the men. Hundreds of young half-naked girls were on ground to be taken by men who needed to relax their nerves.
Here, you don’t need to pay for hotel room to do the short time; the girls would take you to their room where you would savour the short time and part with N2000 or less depending on your negotiation ability.
Findings revealed that each girl pays N4000 per day for the room; so their eyes are always red on their target because they must fulfill part of their accommodation deal or be shown the way out. They don’t have time to waste for an unserious customer. Once they size you up and find out that you are not ready, they would abandon you for another potential target.
However, much as these three categories of places parade hundreds of prostitutes, others who could not earn a place in any of the three, stand along the road, particularly around Agboju market as from 12 midnight. Those ones are extremely cheap. They are the ones that even force men to sleep with them, sometimes for a peanut. These ones would readily have sex with customers inside the Agboju market.
“Those ones at Agboju market are very daring. You can’t walk through that market around that kind 12 midnight or 1am without being waylaid. They would ambush you and you must part with some money even if you don’t want to have sex. They would tell you to bring any amount; even if it were N200 that you have, they would give it to you. They are very desperate. If you don’t have a place to take them to, they would be ready to give it to you there and then; just by one corner of the market there,” an insider volunteered.  
Investigation revealed that activities of the ladies are almost at zero level in restaurants and beer parlours just as patronage has drastically crashed in low profile brothels. This situation, it was gathered, is not because of the current harsh economic reality; it is due to the emergence of Premier Suites, which have become the beautiful bride for most of the girls. And naturally, men would flock around where the ladies are. That explains why, in Premier Suites, activities are always at the peak while other centres complain of zero or low patronage.
Investigation also revealed that in Premier Suites, prices are a bit higher but even at that, men prefer to go there. Our reporter’s visit to the one located beside Bababawa Street, some inches away from the Masalachi bus-stop, confirmed the high price.
No sooner had he stepped into the compound than a moderately fat lady approached him, sermonizing that she would surprise him in bed if only he could give her a chance. If you were a first timer, you would think that it is free but after you have gone in to play the game, she would then tell you how much is involved.
So, even as this reporter wanted to know the terms, she was just insisting on going inside first but when she realised that her tricks seemed not to be working, she accepted to negotiate before going into her room.
When asked how much a night would cost, she quickly said: “Short time na N4000 for one person but if na two of you, it is N6000. But, if it is TDB, that one is N14,000 for two of you and N9000 if na one person. So, which one do you want? Make we go inside first.”
When asked how she could take two persons at a time, she said: “No worry; leave that for me. No be me and you? You go see. I go satisfy two of una; that one no be problem. Even if you want to do 20 rounds, there is no problem. Na you go run.”
Finally, the deal was struck for TDB but for one person and she then said: “Ok, we no go start by now. E go be around 11pm. So, you can go and come back by then. You can also take my phone number.”
Shortly before she sealed the deal with our reporter, a man in his 60s or so he appeared, came for the young lady and waited patiently while the negotiation lasted. As soon as she was through with our reporter, she quickly turned to the man and led him into her room; a confirmation that the man was a regular customer. And that is how busy those who ply their trade in Premier Suite could be, even when their counterparts at other places are bitterly complaining of low patronage.
That is Old Ojo Road at night. But during the day, it would appear as if nothing of such could happen because it is essentially a residential area, unlike other red light streets, which are known to be business and industrial areas. Those who have this in-depth knowledge of the road, still visit some of these brothels during the day. But, if you want to see Old Ojo Road in its full majesty and glory, a night visit will suffice. Unlike other known red light streets, where short time could be as expensive as N10,000 and TDB as expensive as N50,000, Old Ojo Road makes a mess of sex. It makes it so cheap such that those who parade themselves as high class chic would begin to reassess themselves. Sex is about the cheapest commodity on Old Ojo Road. Indeed, it is a market place of sex. 



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