Friday, August 7, 2015

Deadly sex: Why people die having sex.....• The myth, the truth

We were lovers. She came to my house on January 2 at 8:30pm. I have known her for about two years. We attended a carnival in the area that evening. When we came back, we had just one round of sex, after which we both slept without any problem. The following morning, I tried waking her up but there was no response. I observed that her body was stiff and I raised the alarm.” That was how the 60-year-old Akodogbo Doherty explained the sudden death of her lover after sex encounter to the police in Lagos......

Fifty seven-year-old woman, Bonu Fiaret, was reported to have died after sex romp with Mr Doherty on January 3, 2015 in Lagos. Newspaper report informed that Doherty was in the police custody following the death of the woman, who allegedly died in his house after they had several rounds of sexual encounter. The incident, according to the report happened in Salu Street in Badagry area of Lagos. The deceased was a nurse and divorcee working in a government hospital in the area. Doherty, a native of Badagry was said to have been dating the victim for about two years before the shocking incident. He admitted that the woman died in his house on the evening of Friday, January 3, after they had sex, although he alleged that the woman was hypertensive.
When two opposite sexes - man and woman, are engrossed in an unquenchable sexual passion, it is only natural that they would explore ways of unleashing the burning passion through sexual encounter. However, it becomes quite unnatural and sad when, in the process of trying to douse the heightened sexual tension; the man or the woman collapses and dies, while the passion is still burning or soon after it is extinguished.  
In recent time, there have been reported cases of men who died while having sex with their lovers or even with prostitutes. At some other times, it has been the women who would gasp for breathe during very hot sexual encounter and before the man, who had deeply gone into cloud seven could realize what is happening, the woman would give up the ghost. There are also reported cases of those who fainted and died soon after the encounter.
On November 11, 2014, a woman with a seven-month-old pregnancy died after sex romp with a lover. The woman, whose names were not given in the newspaper report was married with children but could not control her libido even with pregnancy as old as seven months. She was said to have given up the ghost after a marathon sex with her lover in an undisclosed hotel in Onitsha, Anambra State, South-east Nigeria.
While some people attributed her death to local charms allegedly laced on her without her knowledge by her husband to curtail her infidelity, others argued otherwise. They faulted rumours of charms, insisting that it was possible she died out of exhaustion from the marathon sex race.
Also in April 2014, a 44-year-old businessman, Julius Iyenakpe allegedly slumped and died in a hotel room in Benin, Edo State while making love to a woman whose identity was unknown. Investigation revealed that the incident happened barely eight days after another 70-year-old man also died in a hotel room in the same Benin while making love to a married woman. Iyenakpe, a father of three, who hailed from Agenebode, Etsako East Local Government Area was said to have hurriedly left home that fateful Tuesday around 9am after refusing the breakfast prepared by his wife. He, however ended up at Edesigie Hotel located at 2, Obanor Street, Off Dumez road with his unknown lover, who sexed him to death. 
According to report, when two hours elapsed and the lovers, who paid for one hour-short-time, did not come out, the hotel attendants became apprehensive. When they approached the door and knocked repeatedly without any response, they forced it open and discovered the lifeless body of Iyenakpe, with the whereabouts of the unidentified lady unknown.
Beside sperm allegedly seen all over his body, a packet of sex enhancing tablet, Viagra, was also allegedly found in his pocket; a clear indication that surging sexual emotional emission from the apparently teenage lady could have overwhelmed his sensory nerves leading to his eventual death. Confirming his death, his wife said it was when she called his phone that another woman, after inquiring if she was his wife, informed her that her husband had an accident and requested her to report at Ugbekun Police Station, where the news of his death was broken to her.
On March 3, 2014, a fish seller popularly known as Alhaja Adegbite in Oluwatedo Community, Ayetoro Itele in Ado Odo, Otta Local Government Area of Ogun State was alleged to have sexed to death a banker, who also resided in the same area. The woman who also sells smoked fish was alleged to have abandoned her husband with whom she had children when he suffered stroke.
According to the report, she was arrested by the police alongside a motorcyclist whose services she had procured to help her dump the body by the roadside around 2:30am. Neighbours, who knew that the man was a regular visitor to Alhaja suspected that all was not well going by the woman’s expressions and mien and they informed the local vigilantes who kept an eagle eye on her movements. Though, the woman denied that the deceased died while making love to her, residents insisted that it was intense sexual encounter that killed him inside the woman’s apartment.
Also in September 2013, 32-year-old Shakiru Rasaq allegedly died moments after having sex with his live-in lover. The incident happened after he and his girlfriend, 22-year-old Endurance Otunnuya had sex in their one room apartment at 6, Aree Tewogbola Street, Aboru in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.
According to the young Endurance, “Before we went to sleep that day, he had asked me to buy a sachet of powdered milk for him with which he ate his food. Then, we played together for so long before we slept that night. He didn’t show any sign of weakness or sickness. He was looking and feeling very healthy, but around 5:00 am the next morning, we woke up and had sex, after which I told him I wanted to go and urinate. He also said he wanted to urinate but he remained on the bed. He later urinated inside the potty in the room and when I asked him why he chose to do that, he said he just didn’t feel like going outside. He asked me to help him throw out the urine. So, I went out to urinate but when I went back, I noticed that he was gasping for breath and stretching out on the bed. I became worried and decided to alert the people in the house. By the time I re-entered the room with others, he was lying face down on the bed. They checked him and confirmed he was still alive. They rushing him to a nearby hospital when he died on the way.”
However, on August 27, 2013, a similar incident happened in Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital, when a 45-year-old banker identified as Boniface died in a hotel after allegedly having sex with his mistress. Report revealed that he was an employee of a commercial bank and a resident of Nkwagu Army Cantonment in Abakaliki. He allegedly died after having sex with a 21-year-old university undergraduate; a 200-level Microbiology student in a new private university. Sources revealed that the lady, a native of Mgbowo in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State, after having sexual intercourse with the man discovered that he was not behaving normally and alerted officials of the hotel who came and saw the man. In the process, they contacted his wife to enable them take him to hospital. However, on their way to hospital, he became unconscious and was taken to the Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH), Abakaliki, where he was eventually confirmed dead.
There is a strong belief in some quarters that when men in their late 40s or early 50s engage in hot sexual encounter with young girls in their 20s or early 30s, there is always a problem, which often times leads to outright death. This school of thought also believes that when a very fat woman is involved in intense sexual encounter with a young man, there is always the possibility that the pressure would be too much for the woman, probably due to her size. This, they believe had always led to asphyxia on the part of the woman, who would helplessly gasp for breath and give up the ghost.
However, an insight into the ugly and sad development by the Chief Medical Director, The Hossana Hospital, Festac, Lagos, Dr Chikodi Onyemkpa is an eye opener.
Although, he believes that death can occur anytime and anywhere, including during sex, he also agreed that the health history of a man or woman goes a long way to determining what would happen when such a person is involved in intense sexual encounter.
He said: “People die when they are sleeping; people die when they are eating through choking; people die when they are swimming by drowning; people die while driving their car; so these are things that happen in normal living. So, if somebody dies having sex, he just died doing one of those activities that people do. After all, the person that slumped was living; the person that was giving a lecture when he slumped and died was living; the person who was playing football like Sam Okwaraji was living and that happened. But that is not to take away the substance of the discourse.”
He pointed out that sex is a high energy activity, which involves both the heart and the circulatory system and as such, those who wish to involve in it must ensure that they are sound health-wise. He believes that sexual activity is as intense and energy consuming as a 100-metre race. “The point is that sexual activity is a high energy activity and the heart and the circulatory system see and know it as such. People will rationalize that somebody that has done a 100-metre-race got involved in a lot of physical activities. The person that is involved in normal sexual relationship is also involved in a lot of activities that is involving the mind as well as the entire body,” he said.
Explaining further, he said: “A lot of muscle activity and by extension, a lot of demand is put on the circulatory system during sexual encounter. In fact, the nervous and the circulatory systems are often involved in a complex over-activity; and so it will seem to suggest therefore that whoever that has been involved in sexual activity overworks the circulatory system. So, if you have a circulatory system that is already having a problem and you involve it in a serious task, you might stretch it to a snapping point. All of us know for instance that if somebody’s heart is not too good, you don’t tell him to do a 100-metre-race. But that same person, in the quietness of his own house might be involved in sexual activity which is very tasking all the same. Though, he doesn’t need any person’s permission but he will suffer the after-effect which could be sudden death. So, simply put, if people have challenges with their circulatory system and they are involved in sexual activity, which further stretches this already impaired system, they might have serious problem.”
He went further to illustrate the connection between sex and the health of the individual with blood pressure. He said: “Let us use for example, blood pressure. During sexual activity as in any other serious physical activity, the heart and the circulatory system are worked up and the natural tendency is for the blood pressure to go up a bit. Imagine if somebody that has blood pressure that is not controlled, now coming to further work it up; it could just while having that sexual intercourse burst a blood vessel. All that people will say is that he was having sex and all of a sudden, he had a stroke. He was having sex and suddenly a blood vessel burst in the wrong part of the brain and the person shouted, ‘my head; my head,’ and died. He has only had what is called sub-arachnoid haemorrhage; a bleeding in the part of the brain, which produces very severe headache that kills people most times. It is not only in sex that it can happen; don’t forget there is a heightened physical activity. All it means is that if somebody has a problem around this activity - sex, people tend to mystify it.”
He therefore submits that just as people die from intense physical activity, they could also die having sex. He also stated that when somebody dies having sex, it shouldn’t be regarded that it is sex that killed the person, rather a deeper examination of the person’s health status before the sexual activity should be ascertained. He said: “Remember, sex is an activity just like any other but we tend to treat it as if it is extra-special; it may not really be. And my perspective is that since a lot of physical activity is involved, anything that is happening to somebody that is involved in intense physical activity can happen to somebody that is having sex. So, to that extent, if somebody died, we divide that problem in terms of what really transpired. It is not just because he or she was having sex. What was the health status of the person before? You know, like the rest of us, we hardly go for medical checkups. As long as we are living, we think there is no problem. But, you might find out that people have real underlying problem. The story around Kanu Nwankwo is one that is instructive for every young man. He was playing his soccer and apparently doing well but when he wanted to go into another club, the club insisted on checking his medical condition and in the process, it was discovered that he had a heart problem. He was put into big time surgery and the he was secured health-wise. None of us knows what could have really happened to Sam Okwaraji; probably there were those underlying problems and he was involved in serious physical activity. That is actually how one will tend to look at it.” 
Moreover, there is also a myth around the use of sex performance enhancing drugs, which are hawked on the street of Lagos like groundnut. There is a belief in some quarters that people who take overdose of the drugs are likely to have problem during sex, which could ultimately lead to death. You don’t need to walk into a pharmaceutical store or chemist shop to get them. They are displayed with impunity at every major motor garage in Lagos. For instance, at Mile 2, International Park, people hawk them without hindrance. 
But reacting to the possibility that such sex performance enhancing drugs could have been responsible for most of the deaths during sex, Dr Onyemkpa said: “It is not impossible because don’t forget that what they are selling is medicine and medicine will still be medicine no matter who takes it. They will do their job. What we need to ask is some other person that is not going to do sexual activity and he takes those medicines and gets involved in serious physical activity, will the same thing happen to him?”
He explained further the workings of such drugs on the male sex organ as well as other similar organs that the consumer might not know, when he said: “The physiology of the erection of the male penis is just about building heavy pressure inside the penis. The blood vessels in the penis are specially designed like that. So, when blood flows into them, they don’t flow away quickly; they can be trapped into that place until serious pressure is created in those vessels inside the penis and that is why the penis will become turgid. Those medicines that people take, act around blood vessels too. So, they can also present a challenge on that same blood circulatory system. There was a head of state who I heard took apple and died; I wasn’t there. They also said that probably the apple had some medicines inside; I wouldn’t know. It is also possible that there was a story around taking Viagra and all that; I still don’t know but that medicine that you call Viagra will also have what it does to the circulatory system. Don’t forget that people that take those medicines are having problem with the strength or availability of erection. So, they take this medicine that will act on the circulatory system; this time the blood vessels around the penis will respond more and so they can have that turgidity of the penis. But, blood vessels are not only in the penis; they are also all over the body. So, there is the tendency that the medicine is acting on these blood vessels. Secondly, there is going to be increased physical activity and so the blood pressure will also rise up. So, you find out that even the makers will tend to warn that you should crosscheck with your physician if you have certain medical condition. So, the sum total of what the individual might now have will be that the medicine actually did what he is looking for but it had to do the other thing it must do. So, if you take medicines, they will act on the part of the body they will act, even the places you say they shouldn’t.”
But, there are still greater numbers of men who depend on herbs to enhance their sex performance. Do the herbs have the potency to cause death during sex just as their industrial counterpart would do? Dr Onyemkpa said: “Let us say that even what we call western medicine today all had its roots in traditional medicine one way or the other. Nobody was born with medicine in his hand. Everybody was born like a normal human being but in the process of interacting with their environment, they started finding that some things will cure hunger and some other things will cure headache. The one that will cure hunger, we call them food; the one that will cure headache, we call them medicine but if you check where they come from, you find out that they came from farm. When science and development happened on us, they tried to do what they did on other things- modify them. Once upon a time, we ate the leaves raw and somebody later found out that you could cook it. Today, somebody has found out that you could extract some part of leaves and have concentrate. You no longer need to carry the whole bulk, otherwise those that are fighting in places where there are wars, will probably have to carry a basin of food on their head to be able to go on. But, it is now rather compressed food that they can carry on their back bag and do the business they came for –war. So, development happens on everything and it has also happened on those things that keep us alive. So, now that you have the ones that have been developed by the west, we now have western style medicine otherwise what they took off from was herb. Having the understanding of science, you now found out that apart from just deriving some from the basic natural things that they came out from, you can even manufacture them; so you have synthetic medicine. By the end of the day, what it means is that most of them took off from herbs. So, if the Hausa man has found the herbal medicine that he understands, some other persons from the technologically endowed environment might decide to have some of the things extracted so that they become medicine. All of us are trying to achieve the same result; we are having recourse to our environment and what those environments can provide for us. It is only when we begin to compare the values and the negative outcomes that we now have a hierarchy. And because there is none that is completely out of trouble; the person that has refined his own scientifically will after listing what it is supposed to do, also list what it will do that you didn’t send it to do -  the side effects. But, the drive to make profit and sell will make our own people to tell you that the herbs will only solve your problems but that is a lie. If the person that is selling actually learnt from the masters of traditional medicine, he will tell you that if you take it differently, it could have a side effect. So, let us agree that because scientific advancement probably has not happened to their own because they have not opened it to scientific enquiry, those raw problems will remain as raw as they are extracted, otherwise they have value as well as unwanted effects.


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